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A member registered Feb 22, 2019

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That's unbee-lievable! (I know.. super cringe :D )  I just played the latest version and the shortcut is a great way to streamline the game without compromising your vision for it. Thank you!

Hello! I completely fell in love with your game. It's incredibly charming with really good balance and pacing. One thing I would like to suggest is having the option of  a "sticky note" population slider where you can have it as a permanent part of the hud. Like maybe under the resources bar on the upper right? It was a little bothersome having to click a nursery and then the population button everytime I wanted to adjust the sliders. Maybe it was my weird playstyle but I used the population sliders obsessively and it would have been nicer just to have it out there as part of the hud.

Anyway! I sound more complainy than I actually feel because I feel nothing but warm honey thoughts for your game. Cheers!